MSE has planned, designed and provided contract administration for numerous water treatment supply and distribution system projects. These projects include water treatment facilities as large as 6.0 mgd, booster pumps, elevated and ground storage tanks and raw water intake structures.
We have prepared a variety of water facility designs for communities throughout the south, serving a combined population in excess of 1,000,000 people. In Kentucky, MSE has designed over 2,000 miles of water distribution lines for its clients.
MSE of Kentucky, Inc. has prepared over forty (40) 201 Facilities Plans for communities in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, South Carolina and Florida. These plans serve populations ranging from less than 3,000 to over 200,000. This has resulted in sewerage treatment facilities ranging in capacity from less than 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD) up to 4.0 MGD along with system improvements, interceptors, collector sewer and alternative sewer systems.Other civil engineering projects have included hundreds of miles of roadway design, landsurveying and mapping, water containment and empowerment reservoirs, hydrology studies and utility analysis.