Southeast Regional Business Park
SOUTHEAST REGIONAL BUSINESS PARK, Corbin, Kentucky – MSE was selected to plan and design this 600-acre LGEDF funded regional business park in Corbin, KY. MSE worked with the newly formed Board in many facets of the grant application, land acquisition and initial development (due diligence). MSE completed a master plan for the park including plans for utilities, roads, water tank and access. Initial utility construction included force main and pump station and the access road. A 55,000-sq. ft. speculative building, designed by MSE, was constructed and was funded in part by an EDA grant. This building is occupied by a regional Pepsi distributor. MSE provided site and utility design for the 350,000-sq. ft. CTA facility under an extremely accelerated schedule. MSE was also responsible for the architecture and civil design of the second spec building and is currently designing utility and access road extensions for the new occupant (KOWA, Kentucky) of this building. Since selling the second spec building, the Authority recently authorized MSE to start design of a third speculative building for the park.